Skyve 20190813 released
So it’s been a little while between releases. We had a bit of a false start with the July release which wasn’t quite ready for general use, but we’ve got some good stuff in this one to make up for it! Skyve 20190813 adds the option to use leaflet for maps instead of just Google Maps, as well as adding support for MySQL version 8.
Updated Maps
Skyve 20190813 adds support for maps in the default Skyve interface (PrimeFaces), and also adds the option to use Leaflet as the map renderer instead of Google maps. This allows us to provide map support in Skyve without needing to register for a paid Google API key.
Google map in Skyve default interface
Open Street Map using Leaflet in Skyve default interface
MySQL 8 Support
This release also upgraded the version of Hibernate which Skyve uses which allows us to provide support for MySQL 8. See the instructions in the developer guide for help switching database dialect. A new SQL Server dialect was added for versions 2012+ which should be used if using a newer version of SQL Server for better syntax support.
Added mechanism to override JSON configuration using a JSON file with the same name in the root of the configured content folder. This allows settings to be configured at runtime from a future admin screen
Update Selenium version to use the same version of ByteBuddy as hibernate does
If an
yields a Java enum name that is a Java reserved word, append 'Value' to the nameAdd MySQL 8 and 4 byte charset dialect options to generate domain
Fix bug with
where it would terminate earlyUse JPA_Style positional parameters for unique constraint checks
Upgrade to hibernate 5.4.3 to update MySQL index support
for new syntax supportMove column change detection logic into DDLDelegate
Add custom index generator for MySQL
Added method to return "bizKey (bizId)" string for a persistent bean as this is common way of identifying them
Exclude the composition association from FK check when called from preRemove()
Added convenience constructor for ValidationExceptionAdded support for partial HTTP requests for content
Remove GeoLocator widget
Extracted inline page styles from common jsp pages into a styles fragment
to match the other common pages
Rename Communication
to avoid MySql reserved wordQuick Import - Enforce preservation of loaded column order
Ensure Quick Import treats empty columns as nulls for String
CommunicationUtil - ensure filePath of created email eml is returned
Ensure ImportExport instance is saved prior to imports and exports
Add eviction options to tag bulk action
Add growl notifications for document refresh job
Upgrade geospatial support for Google maps and add option to use Leaflet
Add geospatial support for Google maps and Leaflet to bring up to parity with SmartClient
Expand the current PF module menu accordion panel and ensure tree nodes are expanded by default
Hide Column titles in dataRepeater and listRepeater in PF when columns reflow
Notes for Upgrading
To upgrade your Skyve project to this version, change the Skyve version in your pom.xml
to 20190813 and change your skyve-maven-plugin
version to 1.20.
There are updated map
settings in the project configuration json file which are required for startup. Please replace or add the following to your project json when upgrading:
// Map Settings
map: {
// gmap or leaflet
type: "leaflet",
// gmap or leafet layers to show for the map backdrop (use single-quoted strings)
layers: "[L.tileLayer('https://.png', {maxZoom: 19})]",
// layers: "google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP",
// opening a new empty map will centre here - ie "POINT(lng lat)"
// centre: "POINT(0 0)",
// opening a new empty map will apply this zoom level - ie 1 - 19
// zoom: 1
If you are upgrading an existing production application and have system communications in the ADM_Communication table, there is a database script to run in /skyve-ee/prod/rename_columns_db_independence_20190813_m(y/s)sql.sql
which will migrate data from the renamed column.
See the complete upgrade instructions on GitHub.