Skyve Foundry
Not a developer?
Skyve Foundry is a point-and-click online builder anyone can use - create and deploy apps in minutes without any coding or development knowledge!
Then advance with Skyve Studio to use the full-power of Skyve no-code capabilities.
With built-in support for teaming and collaboration, Foundry and Studio combine to allow non-coders to fully engage in agile enterprise-scale development with hard-core development teams.
Skyve Foundry is the place to start if you’re new to the Skyve landscape.
Skyve End User
Are you a user of a Skyve application looking for a little bit of help? Check out our User Guide for assistance using Skyve applications.
The User Guide covers using built-in features of the platform such as User management, backup and restore, bulk email, import and export and more.
Wildcat Conversion
Wildcat conversion is a revolutionary new approach to replacing old and under-performing software. Wildcat Conversion uses automated tools to convert your existing software and data to smart new low-code open-source technology that runs on common devices and browsers, hosted internally or in the cloud.
Transition out of technology or vendor-lock-in with a like-for-like system, or take the step to radically rethink your business processes.
Skyve for Developers
Skyve offers world-leading innovation for developers as a declarative approach to building enterprise-scale applications. Skyve is a light-weight battle-hardened and agile open-source low-code platform for building high-quality enterprise scale applications.
Watch the video below and begin building your first Skyve application in less than 5 minutes.
Create your Skyve Project
(We recommend you watch the video first)
Customised project creation. Everything you need to get started.
Our tutorial walks through building a sample application using Foundry and no-code, setting up your development environment and building upon it with low-code, and finally some more advanced logic with code.
You can also check out the developer guide - the essential guide to Skyve, concepts, definitions, the Skyve standard, “how to’s”, coding examples and much more...
If you get stuck, feel free to ask us some questions on the Skyve Slack team.
Making and Deploying Changes
This video covers making and deploying your first changes.
Other “How-To’s”
Changing Ports
How to change JBoss Wildfly and Skyve to use different ports.
Using Lists - Part 1
General list features, sorting
Using Lists - Part 2
Advanced filters
Using Lists - Part 3
Advanced filters
Using Lists - Part 4
Advanced filters