Skyve 9.2.0 released
This release of Skyve adds a new security event logging feature, progress towards a new UI component for displaying grids in the responsive renderer, and several security enhancements. Backups are now also validated prior to truncation and restore, and the SkyveFactory
annotation now supports excluding attributes to cut down on strobing test results.
Skyve Factory
The @SkyveFactory
annotation now supports an excludedUpdateAttributes
attribute. This attribute can be used to exclude attributes from being updated during the automated domain tests. This can be useful when you want to exclude certain attributes from being tested because they are being set automatically by the Bizlet
, or are being validated to have a certain value. This can help to reduce the number of strobing test results, especially for date fields that are being set, or are validated to not be before or after another date.
The excludedUpdateAttributes
works similarly to the excludedActions attribute and takes an array of attribute names to exclude from the update tests.
@SkyveFactory(excludedUpdateAttributes = {
Document.dateFieldPropertyName, Document.otherFieldPropertyName
Security Enhancements and Event Logging
Several new security features were added in Skyve 9.2.0:
Argon2 Password Hashing Algorithm
A new password hashing algorithm has been added to Skyve. Argon2 is a key derivation function that was the winner of the Password Hashing Competition in 2015. It is designed to be resistant to side-channel attacks and GPU cracking. To use Argon2, update the passwordHashingAlgorithm
property in the account
block of your application json file (see #notes-for-upgrading):
"account": {
"passwordHashingAlgorithm": "argon2",
Password reset token expiry
When a user requests a password reset, the reset token will now expire after a certain amount of time. The expiry time can be set by a system administrator in the Security Admin -> Configuration screen.
Password strength indicator
A new password strength indicator has been added to the password reset screen. The indicator will show the strength of the password as it is being typed, and will also offer suggestions or alert the user if the password is too weak.
Users will be given immediate feedback on password strength
Breached password checking
Skyve now checks the HaveIBeenPwned database to see if a user's password has been breached. If the password is found in the database, the user will be alerted and asked to choose a different password.
This is on by default for new applications, and can be enabled for existing applications, or disabled by a system administrator in the Security Admin -> Configuration screen on the Startup tab.
New user passwords will be checked if they have been breached when enabled
Password change email notification
When a user changes their password, an email notification will be sent to the user's email address to inform them that their password has been changed. This can help to alert the user if their account has been compromised.
Geographical restrictions
It is now possible to track the IP address of users when they log in, and to log the country that the IP address is located in. This can help to detect suspicious logins from unusual locations, and can be used to enforce geographical restrictions on user accounts.
This is disabled by default, but Skyve 9.2.0 supports geolocating a user's IP address via After signing up for an account, a system administrator can add the API key to the Security Admin -> Configuration screen on the Startup tab. Once an API key is entered, the option to allow or deny countries becomes available. This will silently deny access to users from countries that are not allowed.
Skyve 9.2.0 adds the ability to allow or deny countries access to an application when enabled
Invalidate all user sessions on password change
When a user changes their password, all of their active sessions will be invalidated, and all remember-me tokens will be removed. This can help to prevent unauthorised access to the user's account if their password has been compromised.
Security event logging
Skyve now logs security events to the database. These events include successful and failed login attempts, password changes, password resets, and other security-related events. The logs can be viewed by an administrator in the new Security Log screen.
The new Security Log screen in the admin module
Responsive Renderer
- fix drop shadow and padding on PF date inputs when used with PrimeVue
- fix
row selection VueListGrid
visibility options andVueListGrid
lazy load the snapshots- use a dialog in mobile UXUI for Uploads
- state not remembered between
visits - stop using the immediate faces attribute in Skyve form action faces implementations
- implement grid titles in the PF renderer instead of in ComponentBuilder so it works for both PF and Vue List Grids
- handle list models correctly in
Desktop Renderer
- implement
criteria via addition ofFilter.addNotIn()
- fix grid titles displaying correctly
- add
to the SkyveFactory annotation - update
to expose a default constructor andsetQuery
so that it can be extended and validated
- generate the payload once for
- validate Skyve backup before truncate and restore
- implement Snapshot Adapters to convert SC and Vue snapshots
- added
to be accessible from anywhere in the Skyve application - add null-safety to JSON and collaborating classes
- add
convenience method to get the base URL of the running application - use
expression for unique indexes in H2 2.2 dialect - update maven assemble files changed to include
- fix
polymorphic association population - ensure Freemarker's
uses Skyve's thumbnail system - fix embedded generate domain validation to not rely on the current customer which could be null
- fix faces error handling under Jakarta EE 10
- fix component usage in views across UX/UIs
- check Unique Constraints once per bean instance in saved graph
- use UUIDv7 generation throughout Skyve
- Password Reset Token Expiry
- added Argon2 as a supported password encoder
- add security event logging
- added HaveIBeenPwned weak password validation
- implemented Password strength indicator
- added password change email notification
- added cached GeoIP service and log the IP and country during login
- add user session management and tracking across all user sessions
- invalidate all user active sessions and remove all remember-me tokens on a change of password
- remediate reflected XSS attack through referer header
- remove unused startup configuration from Control Panel to fix loading issues
- made it so that captcha is not required for password reset to work
Notes for Upgrading
To upgrade your Skyve project to this version, change the Skyve version in your pom.xml
to 9.2.0 and perform an assemble.
If you are upgrading from a version older than 9.1.2, please see the previous release notes and also apply those changes.
See the complete upgrade instructions on GitHub.
New state settings
Skyve 9.2.0 introduces some new required JSON configuration settings which need to be added before an application will deploy. Please update your application json file and replace the existing "state" block with (keeping any existing modifications):
// State settings
"state": {
// Cache folder - defaults to <>/SKYVE_CACHE/
// Skyve will create this folder at startup but if defined it must exist at startup.
"directory": null,
// Conversation cache settings
"conversations": {
// Max conversations allowed in heap memory before being moved off-heap or to disk
"heapSizeEntries": 1000,
// Max off-heap memory size - 0 indicates no usage
"offHeapSizeMB": 64,
// Max disk size - 0 indicates no usage
"diskSizeGB": 10,
// Number of minutes to wait until expiring a conversation from the cache
"expiryTimeMinutes": 60
// CSRF Token cache settings
"csrfTokens": {
// Max session tokens allowed in heap memory before being moved off-heap or to disk
"heapSizeEntries": 1000,
// Max off-heap memory size - 0 indicates no usage
"offHeapSizeMB": 64,
// Max disk size - 0 indicates no usage
"diskSizeGB": 10,
// Number of minutes to wait until expiring session tokens from the cache
"expiryTimeMinutes": 60
// Geo IP cache settings
"geoIPs": {
// Max session tokens allowed in heap memory before being moved off-heap or to disk
"heapSizeEntries": 1000,
// Max off-heap memory size - 0 indicates no usage
"offHeapSizeMB": 0,
// Max disk size - 0 indicates no usage
"diskSizeGB": 10,
// Number of minutes to wait until expiring session tokens from the cache
"expiryTimeMinutes": 1440
// Session cache settings
"sessions": {
// Max sessions allowed in heap memory before being moved off-heap or to disk
"heapSizeEntries": 1000,
// Max off-heap memory size - 0 indicates no usage
"offHeapSizeMB": 64,
// Max disk size - 0 indicates no usage
"diskSizeGB": 10,
// Number of minutes to wait until expiring sessions from the cache
"expiryTimeMinutes": 60
// CRON Expression for Evicting Expired State job - run at 12:37 - null indicates no eviction
"evictCron": "0 37 0 1/1 * ? *"
Remove your existing "conversations" top level property, as this is now part of "state":
// Conversation cache settings
"conversations": {
// Max conversations allowed in heap memory before being moved off-heap or to disk
"heapSizeEntries": 1000,
// Max off-heap memory size - 0 indicates no usage
"offHeapSizeMB": 128,
// Max disk size - 0 indicates no usage
"diskSizeGB": 10,
// Number of seconds to wait until expiring a conversation from the cache
"expiryTimeMinutes": 60,
// CRON Expression for Evicting Expired Conversations job - run at 12:37 - null indictes no eviction
"evictCron": "0 37 0 1/1 * ? *"
We also recommend updating the password encoder to use the new argon2 encoder. This can be done by updating the passwordHashingAlgorithm
property in the account
block of your application json file:
"account": {
"passwordHashingAlgorithm": "argon2",
Existing passwords will continue to work with the previous hashing algorithm, and will be updated to argon2
the next time the user changes their password.